Grama's Lucky Stone Shop

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Welcome to Grama’s Lucky Stone! We’re all about family here and so we decided to lovingly name our Store page after an activity that my Great Grandma always had my mom and her siblings do. Anytime she wanted to trick them into visiting the neighbors, she would say “let’s go look for lucky stones!” so that they would follow her all the way down the driveway and before they knew it, they were in their neighbor’s house! Lucky stones, of course, were any small pebbles that were white or had a unique look about them. 

In the spirit of the Lucky Stone, we created this shop to offer our followers a variety of fun, custom, unique, and vintage merchandise. Whether it’s handmade or an antique store find, we want to share it with you. Starting in the Fall of 2021, we are also a grower of cut fresh and dried flowers. By 2022, we will be offering dried flowers and various cuttings right here so stay tuned and sign up for our updates below!

Even though we are located in Pennsylvania, we serve all of the USA. So you can be living on the east coast or west coast, it won’t make a difference in terms of our service. Please keep in mind our business hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, so if you decide to call us, please make sure to call us during those hours. Our phone number is 814-580-8751; you can also email us at Either way of communication is acceptable, but we recommend you email us for the best response.